Select i
Select a variant to be displayed
First you select the variant to be displayed from the list.
mut_0: is the original protein that you uploaded
mut_0_1: the first mutation you applied to the original model (this was created during first
mut_0_1_1: would be a further mutation applied to mut_0_1
mut_0_2: the second independent mutation applied to mut_0
The last variant created is displayed by default.
Select coloring scheme
You can color either by energy or by hydrophobicity.
For each you can choose between the difference of mutated to original or the absolute value.
The default is coloring by energy difference.
For each combination variant/coloring, there is a PDB file in the download.
The values used for the coloring are written in beta-factor column, respectively.
- Absolute energy
- Energy difference to parent
- Absolute hydrophobicity
- Hydrophobicity difference to parent
- Sequence conservation
- Absolute interface binding energy
- Interface binding energy difference to parent
Currently displayed:
Additional information about the current model
First, the parent of the current model is listed.
Second, the mutations applied to the parent are listed.
Third, the job ID is listed.
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