Submit your protein sequence to search for potential protein binders.

info_outline plain protein sequence without a header, can include whitespace and breaks, lower or upper case letters

info_outline any unique string. you can identify your results in the results section with your tag

info_outline the two algorithms were trained with the same data and achieve similiar performace. they are however based on very different methods. by comparing predictions of both algorithms you can increase the confidence of the results.

info_outline the metazoa sequence database includes the vertebrata which includes the mammalian which includes the human. accordingly, the calculation with the metazoa db (~3min) takes longer than the calculation with the human db (~1min)

Please cite: Sebastian Canzler, Markus Fischer, David Ulbrecht, Nikola Ristic, Peter W Hildebrand, René Staritzbichler: ProteinPrompt: a webserver for predicting protein-protein interactions, bioRxiv 2021.09.03.458859