Provide an overview of a G-alpha Numbering (CGN)-type nomenclature, optionally mapping it on an input topology. The nomenclature can be read locally or over the network
usage: [-h] [-t TOPOLOGY] [--keep] [--verbose] [--autofill] [--AAs AAS] [--labels LABELS]
Positional Arguments
- CGN_UniProt_or_file
Get CGN nomenclature definitions from here. If a file is not found locally, check the GPCRdb using this string as uniprot code e.g. gnas2_human. See for more details.
Named Arguments
- -t, --topology
Topology file
- --keep
Save the consensus file locally for later use, default is False
Default: False
- --verbose
Print the consensus labels for all residues
Default: False
- --autofill
Try to guess missing consensus labels
Default: False
- --AAs
Print the idxs and labels of these AAs, e.g. R131,GLU30
- --labels
Print the idxs and resnames of these consensus labels, e.g. 3.50,2.63